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SMCC’s 4th Blood Donation Activity

SMCC’s 4th Blood Donation Activity

Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd. (SMCC) had its 4th blood-letting activity in coordination with the Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC) last May 13, 2023 held at its new project, MMSP-CP103’s office located in Quezon City.

A total of one (1) Physician, four (4) MBD staff, one (1) assistant personnel and two (2) ambulance drivers, all from PCMC assisted this activity. They also arranged a maximum number of five (5) beds and two
(2) screening areas.

As part of the usual process, the registration and queuing started at 08:15 AM. Volunteers underwent through registration, medical screening, hemoglobin count and blood pressure monitoring prior to actual blood donation to check their eligibility.

Participants filled out PCMC’s questionnaire which was validated during the screening. Each volunteer was then thoroughly interviewed and checked before going to the next station, which is the hemoglobin count. After being cleared, volunteers can now donate one (1) bag (450 ml) of blood in which extraction is being done by licensed medical staffs. After blood extraction, volunteers were advised for 10-15-minute rest to recuperate.

All volunteers were given food and token of appreciation for participating in the event.

The activity successfully ended by 02:30 PM with a total of forty two (42) volunteers.