About Us

Health and Safety Policy
We aim to comply with all current and local health and safety legislation and in line with Philippines Occupational and Health Standards and which is relating to all work activities to ensure, by assessing risks and providing and maintaining adequate control measures, that risks to employees and others are either eliminated or reduced to a minimum.
We shall ensure through specific responsibilities and good health and safety organization that all health and safety practices and procedures are used and adhered to.
Health and Safety procedures and systems shall address the following issues but not limited to:
- Provide the resources necessary to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of its own employees and all associated with all works operations.
- Provide and maintain a good safe and healthy working environment and means of entry to and exit from them, which are free from risk.
- Make arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transportation of articles, materials and substances.
- Provision and maintenance of safe plant and equipment as well as safe use and handling by all operatives.
- Provision of information, instruction, training and supervision to all employees and subcontractors to ensure that they properly discharge their responsibilities and duties.
- Consultation with the employees on matters affecting their health, safety and welfare.
- Continually improve upon health and safety performance and systems.